Film, Media, and TV Trade Associations

At Kerry London, our Film and Media experts have excellent working relationships with trade associations, bodies, and organisations that lead the way in film and television production. Our relationships deepen our knowledge and understanding of key roles within film and media production and enable us to offer a better service to you. 

Kerry London continues to build relationships with associations that share a mutual commitment to excellence and service to their members. In the meantime, you can find a complete list of our current affiliations below. 

We are here to help

There is no need to choose between experience and personal service. With Kerry London you have both. Get in touch for expert, personal advice on your insurance needs.

Complete reassurance. Total support

Film London

Working with over 500 organisations, venues and public bodies to enable productions to use the City as their backdrop.

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Guaranteed Completions

Production supervision, technology, legal counsel and financial controlling support to ensure films meet timescales and budgets.

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Women in Film and Television (WFTV)

The leading membership organisation for women working in creative media in the UK and part of an international network.

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