Kerry London News

Nanotechnology: An Introduction

Friday 8th September
Nanotechnology: An Introduction

With nanotechnology set to contribute $3tn to the global economy by 2020, we’ve created a comprehensive summary on the progressive tech branch.

Nanotechnology belongs to a subsection of technology that’s easy to ignore. Other futuristic sounding scientific branches like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Autonomous tech can often be mistaken for being fringe offerings that aren’t playing a big role in your business. At least not a big enough role to warrant consideration or concern.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

According to Allianz, nanotechnology is projected to contribute $3tn to the global economy by 2020. With only 3 years to go, nanotechnology is picking up speed and covering serious ground. Are you ready for it?

We’ve put together a summary of the field so that you have the facts and information you need.

What is Nanotechnology?

Let’s put this into perspective. A Nanometre is one billionth of a meter. The head of a pin is 1,500,000 nanometres (or 1.5mm).

The US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) defines nanotechnology as “the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100nm, where unique phenomena enable novel applications”. The reason for these unique phenomena is that at that scale, the physical properties of particles are different to bulk materials. That goes for chemical and biological properties too. This makes nanotechnology an important prospect for a range of industries. Everyone from food manufacturers to engineers to medical researchers are seeing the potential. Manufacturers can force elemental changes in the products they work with every day.

Key issues

Nanotechnology has already started making considerable waves. These are most prominent in the food and agricultural sectors.

There are countless nanoparticles in use in the food processing chain. They’re used in livestock feed and plant fertilisers. They’re also included in food packaging. Not only that, they also turn up in nutritional supplements. This directly affects a huge portion of the general public. As a result, it can be seen as controversial subject. This doesn’t look like it will change any time soon as the tech becomes more prolific.

With public outcry comes a demand for information. Transparency will be a big talking point for manufacturers and consumers alike. This will be followed by changes to government regulations. There will be new regulations that target nanotech, and existing regulations will have to be updated to include it.

Now you have some background information on Nanotechnology. We’ll look at its impact on particular industries in more detail in later posts.

Categories: Manufacturing,

Nanotechnology: An Introduction