Commercial Vehicle Insurance

If you own and drive a van, passenger carrier, car or motor-cycle for your business or to earn a living you need a Commercial Vehicle insurance policy.

Just as every vehicle is different, so is every insurance policy and there are also different classes of business use to consider when finding the perfect policy for you. We have extensive experience of protecting motorists that drive commercial vehicles for a living – from plumbers to private ambulance operators, electricians to florists – and one of our personal account managers will spend time to assess the exact cover you need.

All Commercial Vehicle insurance covers standard risks, such as accidents, fire and theft. Your Kerry London personal account manager will work with you and will give tailored advice on policy wordings that work for you. We also offer exclusive policy wordings arranged with a panel of insurers.

Since time off the road is lost revenue we will explore and explain all the different aspects of your policy. As an independent broker we can customise your cover from a wide range of niche and major market insurers and we can use the buying power of our Lloyd’s registration to keep your premiums low.

In the event of a claim our experienced UK-based motor claims team will deal with the consequences of your accident quickly and efficiently.

Commercial Vehicle enquiry form

  • If you would like to discuss your insurance requirements with one of our experts, or find out more about our services, send us your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

We are here to help

There is no need to choose between experience and personal service. With Kerry London you have both. Contact us for expert, personal advice on your insurance needs.

Complete reassurance. Total support

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